First Presbyterian Church
Vince Anderson
Edmonton has been blessed with some of the most amazing pipe organs in the country. The Casavants at Convocation Hall at the University of Alberta, Holy Trinity, First Baptist and All Saints Anglican; the Letourneaus at West End Christian Reformed and, of course, the Davis Concert Organ at the Winspear Centre for Music, have hosted local, national and international artists, helping to put Edmonton on the map.
The Casavant at First Presbyterian Church downtown, one of the oldest organs in the city, is the first instrument to be profiled on our new webpage on Edmonton pipe organs.
Vince Anderson, a new member of RCCO Edmonton and our membership chair visited First Presbyterian and wrote this, our inaugural profile.
In 1951, the organ had a major overhaul; the console was replaced and the non-functioning carillon was removed. In 1963 a new chime stop was added.
By 2005, another major overhaul was due, and in 2007 the organ was modernized. The wind system was re-leathered, new chambers and reservoirs were installed, and a completely electronic control system brought it up-to-date. 317 new pipes were installed. A new electronic 32-foot pedal stop was added.
The organ at First Presbyterian Church has become a popular venue for organ and choral concerts, special services and student lessons in addition to its’ regular Sunday worship duties.
Casavant Freres, Opus 371 (1909),
Opus 2071 (1951), rebuilt 2007 Electropneumatic Action
Bourdon | 16′ |
Open Diapason | 8′ |
Doppleflute4′ | 8′ |
Dolce | 8′ |
Principal | 4′ |
Fifteenth | 2′ |
Mixture IV | 1-1/3′ |
Trompette | 8′ |
. | |
Bourdon | 16′ |
Horn Principal | 8′ |
Stopped Diapason | 8′ |
Viola da Gamba | 8′ |
Voix Celeste | 8′ |
Principal | 4′ |
Flauto Traverso | 4′ |
Nazard | 2-2/3′ |
Piccolo | 2′ |
Tierce | 1-3/5′ |
Mixture 111 | 1-1/3′ |
Basson | 16′ |
Trompette | 8′ |
Hautbois | 8′ |
Clairon | 4′ |
. | |
Sub Union Off Super Tremulant | |
. | |
Principal | 8′ |
Melodia | 8′ |
Dulciana | 8′ |
Dulciana Celeste | 8′ |
Viol d’orchestra | 8′ |
Dolce Flute | 4′ |
Flageolet | 2′ |
Larigot | 1-1/3′ |
Clarinet | 8′ |
. | |
Sub Unison Off Super Tremulant Chimes | |
. | |
Bourdon | 32′ |
Double Open | 16′ |
Bourdon | 16′ |
Gedeckt | 16′ |
Flute | 8′ |
Violon | 8′ |
Trombone | 16′ |
Basson | 16′ |
Trompette | 8′ |
Great to Pedal Swell to Pedal Choir to Pedal |
Great Super to Pedal Swell Super to Pedal Choir Super to Pedal |
. |
Swell Sub to Great Swell to Great |
Swell Super to Great Choir Sub to Great Choir to Great |
Choir Super to Great |
. |
Swell Sub to Choir Swell to Choir |
Swell Super to Choir |
. |
Electronic with 100 levels of memory Sequencer |
10 general pistons |
5 divisional pistons each for Choir, Swell and Great |
3 divisional pistons for the Pedal Full Organ |
Crescendo Pedal |
Source: First Presbyterian Church Edmonton: A History. Kenneth Munroe, Trafford Publishing 2004.
Vince Anderson
Is there an organ in Edmonton you would like to know more about? Let us know by contacting us by email at:
The organ in its original 103 Street location.
The new console added in 1951
Console Plate
The Organ Console
Front view of the Organ Case
The small pipes comprising one of the Mixtures